January 3 2025
The Divine is implicit in all manifestation because nothing exists without it or outside of it – Beyond the Known: REALIZATION
Am I willing to know beyond the known?
Am I willing to claim beyond what I have been taught?
Am I willing to become an emissary to a new logic that exist in a higher way than I have been instructed prior?
as i enter today’s dyadic experience it is a yes that I bring
May all be reclaimed New – that the small self is assumed by that which thrives in Love and Above…
Thank you for the dyad
hand holding pen moves and words appear on a page…
Without agreement to a history and a way of being that is colored in any way with Defense, Attack, Comparison…
What remains to be known?
Step off the cliff
move into agreement with the clean slate
Behold I make all things NEW…
What we have here NOW is…
Now What?
Step off the cliff 😉