January 8 2025



The steps – as i understand what was read into my current experience can be listed as…

  1. Compassion for self
  2. Do not “toot your own horn” – The True Self simply is its frequency in all now moments
  3. Meet the day in the day
  4. Do not fear your fellow companions (what you fear you make a God in your experience)
  5. In the Higher Frequencies what is needed for your Self’s Evolution comes to you – the choice to take one’s human experience back into the frequencies flavored with fear is not a requirement – nor is it useful.

Also – this morning i read the words…

To realize the problem is the illusion of the small self claiming itself in form gives you the immediate opportunity to re-see or re-know or realize the thing you call a problem as an opportunity to develop, to know anew. – Beyond the Known: REALIZATION

As i enter today’s dyad it is with the intention of deepening into these teachings that i bring.

My desire is to have the “all of me” be assumed by the True Self

Know and the door will open…

Thank you for the Dyad

“Behold I make all things NEW”

Blessed and grateful for the aspect of the cyndi story being OFFered up – to practice these teachings….

cyndi story….. 1979 car accident – fractured pelvis/concussion/shock on the left side of the body

cyndi today – physical sensations on the left side of body that the persona claims are the result of a physical car accident 45 years ago..

curiousity – from a “physical/biological” perspective how much of this form existed 45 years ago?

Science would state – NONE OF IT

The physical sensations HERE NOW are HERE NOW

Giving them a 45 year old cause projects the “current problem” into history and claims the assumption that it will continue ON INTO the cyndi future

What holds it in place?

An idea held and believed

An idea of a being at risk in a world

Trapped in form…

(now wait a minute sweetpea – haven’t we already concluded that isn’t so? – that the form in the car accident 45 years ago is 100% not the form here today?)

The Practice…

To be FULLY PRESENT with what is HERE NOW TODAY (#3) while re-newing, reclaiming of history around cause in the Frequency of Love and Above.

This is NOT A DENIAL of what is HERE NOW nor is it a denial of what was or what will be

It is a reframing

It is a standing still in what can only ever can be True

and allowing ALL of the cyndi story to be seen and held anew


This Good

This is very very Good

Thank you

(surrender the habit of the past)

To listen to a 30 minute deepening into today’s contemplation go to the recording dated Jan 8 2025 here : I Think Therefore

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