February 17, 2025
As i choose to sink into the possibilities available in this me-now-here moment it is with a desire to surrender all the ways the “me” part of the equation has been limited through a belief in fear…
in anything that appears to limit the Divine expression of Love, Joy, Abundance, Intimacy, Companionship in it’s individuation currently labeled cyndi.
Eyes pulse, fear is arising, and i choose to stand still here and allow God to have “All of ME”
Thank you for the triad
What is here, now to explore is the fear response that reveals itself every time there is a thought here of…
- Wanting to assist another
- Wanting to correct another
- Wanting another to do or express themselves differently
Please heal the fear thoughts that contribute to wanting an-other to be different.
There is a consideration of the possibility that every thought of “another” contains within it separation and specialness
and all thoughts that hold a belief in separation limit God – create barriers
and would imply that somethings are “not possible”
All things are possible in God
All is God
God is Everything
Even as i write these words (even as these words are being written 😉 ) i see a fear arising as to how “others” may receive them and argue against them.
Please heal these fear based thoughts that contribute to the belief that it is not safe to be be “me” in relationship to others in the world…
Please heal these fear based thoughts that contribute to the desire to feel safe Simply Being Me Here Now
God Simply IS
All else is fantasy
Now what?
Practice the Presence
Constant Contact with the Divine
Keep up the conversation – the asking to See Things Differently
Keep up the Practice
The Acceptance of the invitation to know cyndi without fear – to know cyndi in the Frequency of Love and Above.
The Time has come
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it