February 12, 2025
The comprehension of the new, the comprehension of what you now see, will be born for you not by your effort but by your surrender, by your supplication to the profound awareness that there is one Source expressing as all, and it would be a lie to believe the self that you are could possibly ever be excluded from its presence.
Now, when you realize that what you see before you cannot be outside of God, you place yourself firmly within God, because in God, you move and you express, you have your being.
Where do i deny God and why? – Beyond the Known: Alchemy
As i enter today’s dyad i will to place the thought, the idea “emma” on the altar to be known A-NEW.
I accept the pointing that “emma” symbolizes a fear based story that has been projected “outside” so that i wouldn’t have to turn around and surrender the fear constructs that keep it alive.
The idea “emma” lives inside cyndi – and i ask for assistance in surrendering it all to God that it be made A-NEW.
Thank you for the dyad
as i reported to my partner – the experience is both significant and Holy and i am so very grateful.
It is seen that in the cyndi story there is a defense….
A Defense Program that to some degree always runs.
What does it defend against?
Divine Love
“if you but knew…”
the thought of Letting Go and marinating in divine love has this body feeling a bit nauseous…
and i see the okness here with that
In God i move and express and have my being
In this space it is ok for the small self to not have any answers – and to be able to express there are no answers here/now
What there is is the question…
Who looks thru these eyes?
and the YES to the invitation to practice resting gently (like a butterfly) on the surface of the beating heart.
Something is happening
This is it
Thank You
To listen to a 30 minute deepening into today’s contemplation go to the recording dated Feb 12, 2025 here : I Think Therefore