February 20, 2025

It appeared to take several hours to “cleanse” from the fear and confusion expressed in this morning’s dream.

  • Landing from a flight and no clue how to meet the ones who were to pick me up
  • Turning on the phone and it was all different – i could not figure out how to make a call or send a text
  • i was asking for help – but no one seemed to have the time – all were very dismissive.
  • i had no home – a hotel room for one night but then no clue – someone suggested i should teach – but how? A thought came and went that i could go back to Bayonne – but not even my parents are there anymore

Behold i make all things NEW (and all it will cost is your past)

As i step into today’s dyad it is with the intention to be assumed/consumed by the Higher Self.

I will for no-thing that i think i know to stand in the way of being a pure channel to be used in whatever way serves God.

God Simply IS

Thank you for the dyad

For the recognition that something indeed is happening – something is being undone.

The ability – on some level to watch the words (the prompt) coming towards me and landing on the border…

Like there is a force field holding the “outer world” out until the smaller self can interpret what is being received and then respond.

The acceptance that this is not the only thing going on…

That there are Higher/Other Vibrational Fields occupying “the same space”

At the level of the True Self (Higher Self) the Force Field is not there at this level it is more like 2 waves in the ocean interacting…

The relationship is occurring – without the distortion of the “small self’s” conditioning – at this level there is intimacy, connection, merging

What Else?

I saw the intellect attempt center stage and begin to imagine a field where there was not relationship – no 2 connecting.

There was an awareness of the shift from Direct Knowing to story telling – and how – in this moment – what is being offered is an invitation to watch the activity of this Border/Force Field.

To accept that the observation is happening in a vibratory field where the force field is not active…

accept that just this one thing – which can happen in a walking around space – will continue to weaken and eventually dissolve the “force field” ….

(more to follow…)

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