February 23, 2025
I am choosing to be re-known. I am agreeing to be re-known. I am aligning to the re-creation of every aspect of self as may be known in the higher light, the divine light, that has come, that has come, that has come. – Beyond the Known: The Kingdom
Yes, with the assistance of the Divine, of that which knows itself as Holy and sees that all is God.
I will to be re-known
In the Frequency of Love and Above and it is this i bring to today’s dyad…
Thank you for the dyad
For the quieting mind and the recognition of judgement of self or an other is never justified.
For the growing recognition of God in Everything…
God as Everything
Judgement is never justified
Fear is never a solution
and the willingness to surrender all flavor of worry or fear or concern is as easy as remembering that
God IS
Watching as the mind projects out into a “difficult day” – i feel gently guided back to
What is Here?
Opening to taste NOW
Recognition that the experience of me requires no other to be…
Hand holds pen and words appear
God as hand
God as pen
God as words on a page
From the point of view of a “cyndi separate” there is an appearance of story lines that feed fear.
But from God Simply IS?
I heard someone on a TV show state that he learned in the service that there are times to “just color” – ie just do what you are told – and don’t question or wonder why.
I am being TOLD it is time to notice and surrender all judgement, all fear, all desiring things to be different, all “what about me” thoughts in the moment they are noticed.
Just that
Just this
Thank you