February 3 2025

On this day, I chose to align my entire being in offering to the Source of all things. And as I say yes, as I agree, I align to my potential to express beyond time, beyond fear, beyond the dictates of culture, or what has assumed me as a small self. And because I give permission to be assumed by my divine nature, I give permission for the release of whatever may stand in its way. I say yes to this of my free will. And I say yes to the embodiment of the Monad, the Risen Christ, the True Self that seeks to be sung as and through me. I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am free, I am free, I am free – Alchemy A Channeled Text

As i enter the dyadic experience it is this i bring…

I give permission for the release of whatever may stand i its way…

Thank you for the dyad

For this

Hand relaxed as it moves and allows for the words to flow through and become form…

it is less about creation in this NOW Awareness

The focused attention is on all that had been constructed through any belief in fear to be brought to light and made A-NEW


there is an agreement to see any sense of a

Me not ME



as tinged with fear. It points to the idea that any aspect of me could be other than the Whole, other than Supreme Brahman, The Tao, God…

and if God is All that where could there be anything other?

The Guides, my Friends and Teachers state that transformation will be rapid…

Will be HERE NOW


In the moment where the decision is made to stop holding anything, anyone, any situation outside God.

What you damn damns you back.

What you bless blesses you.

What you Damn – Damns you back

A Dam is built to block the flow


I am all in…

Let every voice by God/s be stilled



  1. Thank you for this beautiful entry. I am touched reading it just as I was touched hearing it. The mind settles to reflect upon

    “What you damn damns you back.

    What you bless blesses you.

    What you Damn – Damns you back

    A Dam is built to block the flow”

    How easy it is to forget.
    An open hand allows the flow. A closed fist lets nothing come and nothing go. The mind and heart follow this too.

    1. Thanks Beth

      it’s a great reminder for me as well – remembering that each time i judge i block the flow

      love and more love

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