February 5 2025
At some point we have to go get the license plates off the Soul and turn them in. It’s not insured anymore.
It’s “time” to do the taxes.
And there is accounting work to put in place to keep An Open Door organized.
Each of these items – as i attempt to place attention on them – triggers an inner response…
varying degrees of discomfort, blocked flow, stuck energy
Even now, as these words get placed on paper, there is an awareness of a sick feeling coming to the surface.
As i enter today’s dyadic experience it is this sense of blockage/stuckness that i offer.
The Guides offer a worldly experience in the Frequency of Love and Above…
The cost – all constructs glued together with any variety of fear.
I gladly pay this price…
Thank you for this dyad
and for the soft, gentle invitation to allow the pockets of desire, of wanting something in form to change, to come out from the shadows to be held.
The words of Francis Lucille sing inside of me…
Awareness is Desirelessness…
Awareness is Peace, Happiness, God
Desirelessness is God, is Peace, is Happiness
and i see, in this space…
and there is a recognition that this sense of “desire” – regardless of it’s current “object”
Is energetically dense, moving erratically or not at all.
It is sticky, stuck energy
Held in this Field of Gratitude i find myself in, i see it’s impersonal nature…
as well as the “desire” for it to all be different and for the idea of “cyndi”…
the “cyndi experience” to be one of easy open flow in the Octace, the Frequency, of Love and Above.
is it really a desire for that?
or is it the knowing that that is what is occurring?
Both feel real here.
In this NOW HERE ME moment the “problems to be solved” feel like a distant dream
This is Gently, Peaceful – like laying on a dock on a quiet lake with the sun warming my skin.
Something is happening
This is it
Thank You
To listen to a 30 minute deepening into today’s contemplation go to the recording dated Feb 5 2025 here : I Think Therefore