February 6 2025

Let me know that I am one with all things, that all things that I may see or know are of one Source, different expressions of the Infinite that come as what, as manifest as the world I see or know. The body as of God, the organs in the body as of God, the skin of God, the eyes of God, the lips and tongue of God, the hands of God, all in expression in vibration. I know what I am. And to move beyond the body, the air in the lungs of God, the light light in the room, the sunlight beyond the room, the moonlight beyond the room, whatever may exist beyond the room of God. Because everything is of God, all things may be re-known. And from this place of agreement, I am willing to know all things as of God. – Beyond the Known: Alchemy

It is this willingness i bring to today’s dyadic experience…

Thank you for the dyad

Along with the knowing that the choice to experience separation no longer exists here…

and with this recognition the willingness to soften and allow all to be known.

All that is here, now to be held and witnessed and surrendered

To be held and witnessed A-NEW

The question is here – so i ask…

How to “be cyndi” in this open awareness with separation?

How to allow for this active human experience to continue and thrive as this sense “I am human” has all but dissolved?


I see the shift

The shift from the asking “how to be” to the request for assistance from Who I truly BE…

Ask and you shall receive

Knock and the door will open

and so – with a gratitude that fills me and flows from my heart…

I ask my Divine Self for all the assistance available…

That i may continue to serve, here, in this NOW moment i find myself in

Without the false imprisonment that comes from identifying as a cyndi separate

God is ALL things



Thank You

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