January 11 2025
This morning i read that i can claim joy and wonder.
As i enter today’s dyadic experience it is with this claim I HOLD in my heart.
Joy and Wonder
Yes Please
More and More of That
Thank you for the dyad
“I didn’t choose the song”
The cyndi experience received guidance from a Divine Loving Intelligence that is not cyndi’s alone.
cyndi is not the only wave in the ocean!!
There is an awareness of an activity “here” of shock
An awareness of an activity of claiming specialness in the world
In the world of form
Like – it’s OK that cyndi received instruction from the Divine to be with that song.
But – it is NOT OK that others received the same instruction separate from her.
It’s a clinging to a claim of specialness
Not even a “better than”
it’s not that
it is a “What is MY Piece of Pie?”
A “What can i say my contribution to the whole is?”
A claim of separation seen through playing a specific song to others.
and energetically very much alive here.
Look at me!! Look at how special i be!!
And what does that have to do with claiming the embodiment of Joy and Wonder?
Joy and wonder are characteristic of the consciousness cyndi (and all objects) swim in.
It can not be contained or constricted, and any energetic attempt to cut it off from the whole – and claims of
“This is my joy and wonder – you all need to go and get your own.”
Well – it will first mute the “joy and wonder” – and then distort and contaminate it before finally having it wither and die – like the branch cut off from the tree.
“I did not choose the song”
The song flowed on the wave and has/is touching various aspects of consciousness…
it’s part of the play…
it’s not personal and how wonderful it is to see and love the fool who takes the bow