January 13 2025
From the book Beyond the Known:Realization….
“the Divine Self is God as it knows itself in individuation“
“The Divine as you, not you as the Divine.“
From the New Testament John CH 1…
“and though the World was made through him, the world did not recognize him.”
The cyndi persona in her habitual ways of identifyig as “x,y,z” and her interactions with so called “others” can talk about God and Trust in God but she holds herself as apart…
and in that seeming separation there is a distortion, a confusion…
as i STEP into today’s dyad it is with the single focused intention to – well –
Know myself A New – IN TRUTH
Thank you for the dyad
along with the clarity in today’s invitation TO PRACTICE
Noticing when this “individuated expression of the Divine” has an opinion/a judgement of “an other”
and in the noticing ask for and open to receive the correction
Keeping it solt and slow and gentle
Remembering there is no separation – no “other” in Love, in Truth
and so there is no recrimination of a self holding itself apart from what it see’s
recognition that the world of a me and a “not me, not here, not now”
exists only in the ocean that blocks the desert road.
This work is not about fixing a divide or correcting what is broken.
it is the work of breaking through the mesmerism.
The Awakening from the Trance – that is all
In the hours since cyndi awoke to this day there has been a number of instances where she has questioned the TRUTH held in another’s sharing
Specifically listening as another states…
“I am awake and those i meet are still suffering”
cyndi judging another as they compare themselves to others
Pretty funny and awesome to see
Today the INVITATION IS to Remove the log that is in my eye.
As I CHOOSE to CONNECT with the Divinity in all that is witnessed.
Thank You for this Gorgeous Path
Thank you for everything.