January 16 2025
Here i sit
The “small self” is active (Hello Sweetie 🙂 )
In her I see…
- Loneliness
- confusion around car story
- a gentle loving determination to find and hang with God
As i enter today’s dyadic experience it is with the intention to continue to expose and surrender to the light all that is here that continues to feed any flavor of fear.
Just that…
Thank you for the dyad
Thank you for everything
I know you are with me – my Friends, Teachers, Guides
Who are supporting “me” as i continue to show up and give willingness to all fear based constructs to be reclaimed
IN LOVE (I) in TRUTH In Joy overflowing
The sense of form aches…
The story pulls…
Please help
whatever is most useful to the REALIZATION of SELF in SERVICE TO GOD…
thank you for the dyad
hand holding pen is moved and words arise – are seen and received
Wording Now Now Now
Rest and allow the wording
Prayer heard and answered
Cyndi BECOMING God without filter
confusion – a desire for clarification…
what does it mean to become that which is?
What does it MEAN TO EXPress AS WHO I BE?
The Seed that Grows in Darkness
Allow Alignment to the Frequency of Love and Above
Do not Shy away from the Light
small self thinks
Divine Self Knows
The END of the CHApter Has Be(en) Written
It is OK
All is well
You are safe Here
All is Safe NOW
You can Let GO
God’s God (got) this
Remember to Laugh today (heart)