January 2 2025

On this day I choose to realize myself outside of the bindings of fear, and by this claim, I call forth all support that is respecting my ability to ascend to this choice of manifestation. On this day I say yes to all that will support me in the realization of the True Self that exists without fear. I know who i am. I know what I am. I know how to serve. And I am free. – Beyond the Known: Realization A Channeled Text

As i enter today’s dyadic experience it is this that i bring with me.

The little self is here – and i see her attempts to grab and hold and pull

I Will for all of her – all of me – to be Assumed by the True Self.

Thank you for the dyad

and for the reminder that all that is being witnessed is a projection of the current level of consciousness being held here.

As such – All that is being witnessed as “outside” is an out-picturing and regardless of what is seen the entire experience –

Both the OBJECT and the SUBJECT (this sense of a me separate)

can be held in a space of non-judgemental awareness

Just that…

Held in Love

There is a contraction/achiness/pain (written as pen(?)) in the chest area…

(hmmm – as i sit with the seeming typo of pen instead of pain i see how often we can “write” a present day story to explain a present intense sensation – and it is a reminder for me to hold Michael Singer’s teachings of Sanskara’s close – an intense sensation in the heart arising in the middle of a contemplation is an old blockage/sanskara coming up to consciousness to be undone – and will be undone as long as i do not “pen” a story to keep it in place)

and a spasm in the lip – pulsing in the eyes and an achiness in the jaw

All now being held

The “thinker” attempted to turn on – and then it just stopped

hand holds pen…what is desired?

For all sense of a me separate to be assumed by the Divine Self

Thoughts of Emma rising to the surface

Tender heart….wet eyes

Behold I Make All Things New

I see the contracted spaces with the persona coming into focus


A sense of attachment remaining


cyndi dies…. I Am eternal

die to the flesh to be reborn in spirit

Over and over and over again

Thank You

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