January 25 2025

This morning the “body” is speaking loudly on a number of different fronts

As if it’s fighting against the idea that everything is vibration

and that there is NO SEPARATION

and what is taken to be solid and real is solid and real and it is going to “prove it” by taking my focus/attention away

There is no cause in form – that is what has been whispering in my ear all morning

and it all of this i bring into the dyad today

What is the Highest vibrational realization available Here? What is the gift being offered to me… in me… through me… in this situation?

Thank you for the dyad

Grateful for the Love, the Patience, the Kindness


Pain is a label applied to “an experience” that is believed to be outside of God

So – when “pain is happening” it is a beautiful opportunity to soften and allow God to hold this “aspect held separate” and sink into the Direct Experience of ONLY LOVE

Without labeling all is flowing, movement…

What wants to hold onto some aspect of God and claim…

This is me in a way that says…

This is me not you…

Body sensations are here now and held

There is a noticing of the story running that would seek to give the experience a worldly history

A form based cause – and therefore a form based solution

There is no cause in form

There is NO FORM outside of God

Nowhere to GO

Nothing to DO

Nothing to SAY


There is a moment – a memory – in Mexico….

As beautiful as the scene – there was the knowing that it wasn’t Mexico

It is…

It always is an out-picturing of the current level of consciousness

Where cyndi goes SHE TAKES ME with her

I AM Always Home

Thank You

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