January 27 2025
How may i know myself in this moment so i may know all things?
A question the guides suggest can be asked, here, now, by me…
Memory of the podcast with Tara and Dan –
The Newtonian Reality and the “All is Supreme Brahman” – both valid, both real
Is it that the Newtonian Reality is held within Brahman?
I see the small self attempting an explanation to what it can not know from its current point of viewing
and so i will to step back and give it all to that which knows
and as i enter today’s dyadic experience it is with this question i offer…
How may i know myself in this moment so i may know all things?
Thank you for the dyad
For the deep indescribable knowing
That all that cyndi is
All that she experiences herself to be is loved and cherished and cared for
taken care of
that it is safe and desired for the small self to let go of efforting and analyzing and trying to control a life that does not truly exist as she believes
All that is desired here is for God’s Prayer to be fullfilled
The “idea” that what i could want is something other than God is…
well – in this here and Now – feels foreign
Like – Why would that be a thing?
All is God
And any desire to play in an idea of what would it be like to know myself apart from that has died in Here
At least it is not part of Me Here Now
and Projecting into “A Future”
Why would i do that?
What would be the purpose of that?
There is the seeing of a form that holds a dissonance to the Frequency of Love and Above the cyndi story is being reclaimed in
I Am not identified with the dissonance
and it is BEING UNDONE
during the dyad there was the experience of cyndi “receiving” the words of another
could feel the energy of their landing in the density of the body
The body/mind system slowing the communication down enough so that it can be interrupted based on its current level of consciousness
Curious as to how that can be seen with sound/words as sound
Can it also be experienced with the physical visual sense?
With Touch? Taste? Smell?
How may i know myself in this moment so i may know all things?