January 31 2025
A memory has risen a few times recently…
Sitting on the couch with Mark (the ex) when he spotted a picture of me and Sarah taken before the first Bells Palsy
My smile was huge – open – covered every inch of my face
I don’t remember his exact words but i remember how i felt…
like i was broken, damaged beyond repair and that it was somehow my fault that my face didn’t work like that anymore.
Recently i was talking to a friend when he was projecting anger towards another.
Being 2 ACIM students i found myself saying something that hit home for us both…
…All this is – is a projection outward so that you can hide from the self hatred being cherished inside.
This memory of Mark’s words is the same. As long as i continue to make this memory about his cruelty i am NOT looking into the only place where healing can happen.
Allowing for release of fear and hatred and opening to the embodiment and expression of TRUTH
The DIVINE as cyndi
It is this i bring to today’s dyadic experience
Let NO secrets be hid
Thank you for the triad
For all the friends, angels, teachers on this beautiful gentle healing path
A path into the FULL EMBODIMENT and Expression of the Divine As me
The Divine as ALL i SEE
I accept every experience as an opportunity to STEP more fully
To open more deeply into the invitation to know myself a-new in an octave that transforms all fear in the moment it is seen.
and to do so HERE and NOW – through memory – feeling grateful as i open to receive…
Allowing NOW NOW NOW
all sense of “broken beyond repair”, “ugliness”, and self hatred to come out from where it has hid.
I say that this game of projection has run it’s course here.
I choose to step away
The idea that Mark could “make me feel broken and undesirable” for any reason is
Not Logical
I accept that this IS
The Divine Expressing as cyndi
and all that had been is being made A-NEW
T0 The Tune of Love and Above