January 7 2025
Behold I make all things NEW
I accept the requirement is the letting go of the old
This morning i am aware of different scripts – word soups that appear designed to keep separation in place.
Is it important to list what is being seen?
There is a pressure/pain in the heart center – and the physical body feels tender/inflamed
and there is an awareness of a space – quiet and full that holds it all.
As i step into today’s dyad it is with the desire to surrender it all…
Take me please God…. I am all yours
Thank you for the dyad
The teachings point to a pivot point – a moment where the sense of the small self as me dissolves into the knowingness of I AM
There is an awareness of the activities of the small self attempting to color and distort the screen of awareness.
The wanting the experience of this moment to be other than what it appears to be
What is most useful to the realization of the True Self?
Hand is seen holding pen – moving
As hand that holds the peen is seen to move words appear in the screen of awareness and are read back into a sense of a me.
There is an awareness of a belief that the hand that writes is connected and moves by the same “me” that receives the written word and reads it back into intself…
as if it didn’t come from itself initially?
Is there a Direct knowing that the hand that writes is part of a separate being that somehow creates the words and then receives them back into itself as if they are arriving from else-where?
From a place that is not here now?
How is any of that logical?
Is it not more logical to accept that all There IS – IS…
And within God an experience of wording is arriving that is independent of personhood.
That the words have nothing to do with being a person Separate?
more to follow…