January 9 2025
Here I Am
I Am Here
This morning i read that – essentially – i can ask the guides (hello my teachers and friends) to copilot cyndi’s life until such time the small self is assumed by the True Self.
as i enter today’s dyadic experience it is with the focused intention to TURN THE LIGHTS ON
Whatever it is that feeds the small self and limits and or distorts the True Self’s vision and influence with the cyndi life
Let it be seen
Let it BE SEEN and RE-FRAMED (with your help my beloved Teachers and Friends)
To the Tune of Love and Above
Thank you for the Triad
WHO I AM is always ME
What I AM is ME
NO Matter what i will always be that
Throughout this life
Though out all lives
Time to surrender identifying with form/roles/character within the story
I will for this and…
the body/mind/story is stirred up
Perhaps shaken up
It all feels sticky
the “standing still” in the teachings while what was created in fear pulls
Something wants to crawl under the covers and wait for what’s next.
There is NO NEXT
There is ONLY NOW
As long as i believe myself to be a person i will see people everywhere…
What i take to be a person is a thread of memories and habits…
In the moment of realization the person ceases…
Identity remains – but identity is not a person – it is inherent in reality itself – Nisargadatta Maharaj
From the stillness words arise and the world is born ANEW