Month: January 2025

January 31 2025

A memory has risen a few times recently…

Sitting on the couch with Mark (the ex) when he spotted a picture of me and Sarah taken before the first Bells Palsy

My smile was huge – open – covered every inch of my face

I don’t remember his exact words but i remember how i felt…

like i was broken, damaged beyond repair and that it was somehow my fault that my face didn’t work like that anymore.

January 29 2025


Today as i enter the dyad space it is with the intention to re-articulate all aspects of the cyndi story as it relates to money.

To have it all reclaimed into and as the Frequency of Love and Above

I appreciate that from the perspective of the small self i cannot know what this looks like.

January 28 2025

This morning i wrote this question (from the book Alchemy) into my notes… Where do i deny God and why do i choose to do it? A short time later i was doing a fascia release when the phone notified me that a message was there… Before 6:00 AM ? The body mind system responded…

January 27 2025

How may i know myself in this moment so i may know all things?

A question the guides suggest can be asked, here, now, by me…

Memory of the podcast with Tara and Dan –

The Newtonian Reality and the “All is Supreme Brahman” – both valid, both real

Is it that the Newtonian Reality is held within Brahman?

I see the small self attempting an explanation to what it can not know from its current point of viewing

January 26 2025

On this day I choose to allow every aspect of myself that has been or will be known by the idea of fear to release any claims that have been made upon me by fear, to be free of itself, and to align to its potential as fearless. In my agreement to be known without fear, I give permission to release any investment I may have in fear as my ally, so I may be knowing my world as one without fear. As I say yes to this, I give myself permission to release the memory of fear that I have known myself through, the projections of fear that I may be utilizing as a small self, and, as I say yes, I come forth as the release of fear, the idea of fear itself, is made known in my field. – Beyond the Known: Realization

January 25 2025

This morning the “body” is speaking loudly on a number of different fronts

As if it’s fighting against the idea that everything is vibration

and that there is NO SEPARATION

and what is taken to be solid and real is solid and real and it is going to “prove it” by taking my focus/attention away